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School Days 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CST

NDSU Division of Performing Arts Box Office, Dept. 2330
107 Music Education
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
U. S. 701-231-7969
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North Dakota State University Division of Performing Arts Venues
Askanase Auditorium
12th Ave. N. & Albrecht Blvd.
Fargo, ND 58102 (US)
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E-mail: ndsu.fine.arts@NDSU.EDU
Phone: 701-231-7969
Fax: 701-231-2085
Askanase auditorium is a 380-seat proscenium theatre. Askanase auditorium is located at the intersection of 12th Avenue North and Albrecht Blvd.
Festival Concert Hall
12th Ave. N. & Bolley Dr.
Fargo, ND 58102 (US)
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E-mail: ndsu.fine.arts@NDSU.EDU
Phone: 701-231-7969
Fax: 701-231-2085
Festival Concert Hall is an acoustically excellent, 1000-seat hall, opened in 1981. FCH is the concert home for all NDSU music major ensembles, the F-M Symphony, the F-M Opera, and for special concert and performance appearances by groups such as the Vienna Boys Choir, The Second City, Arlo Guthrie, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, The Smuin Ballet, The National Symphony Orchestra, Christopher O'Riley, the Harlem Gospel Choir, and other touring arts organizations. Festival Concert Hall is also available for rental. Festival Concert Hall is located in the southwest corner of the North Dakota State University campus, at the intersection of 12th Avenue North and Bolley Drive.
Walsh Studio Theatre
12th Ave. N. & Albrecht Blvd.
Fargo, ND 58102 (US)
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E-mail: ndsu.fine.arts@NDSU.EDU
Phone: 701-231-7969
Fax: 701-231-2085
Walsh Studio Theatre is a flexible studio-laboratory "black box" space. It is located in Askanase Hall, at the corner of 12th Avenue North and Albrecht Blvd. All production spaces are handicap accessible and assistive listening devices are available upon request.
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